Ever wondered what would happen if you combined Mindset with hairscience?
Chaulk Education was founded in order to share as much informationas possible that is not covered in any further education programme, especially in the areas of hairscience and colour theory, as well as the natural materials we work on, really understanding hair. I love cutting the crap and filling those gaps left out by our further education formats, or challenging the way brands teach to keep us fearful from trying anything else.
Don’t get me wrong, these colleges can’t be holding all the blame, I must say the fact that our government has created so many cutbacks when learning hairdressing, is in my opinion, appalling and the fact that our industry isn’t even seen as professional (I’d say we are all very professional, do you agree). I mean we aren’t even licensed as an industry, did you know that anyone can open a salon, they don’t need to be trained in hairdressing?
Who’s with me in thinking this is completely wrong and we need more support?
One of my greatest passions is the opportunity to share my knowledge and experience with colour, and the science behind colour with any new learner.
So, you can understand how much I was grateful when Belinda contacted me to create these cards, and I love being a part of this collaboration. I am delighted to be moulding Mindset with colour science, you can’t have one without the other to be a great hairdresser, don’t you think?
What Are They?
These cards are full of affirmations, growth mindset, learns, tasks, journaling, and so much more to help you fill in those gaps you will not see in the NVQ 1,2 or 3. You may not even hear these tips from your mentor in your salon, who is there to walk you through every day as you grow your passion and knowledge.
These cards are a great tool to have in your kit when you feel even the slightest bit overwhelmed, or when the pressure is beginning to mount up around you. Take a breath, choose a card to help you focus, learn and quieten that anxiety. Then use the free downloadable tools from Belinda’s website (https://belindamindset.com/printable-pdfs) to turn this card into action and learn more. Using these cards in this way will prepare you, at a very early stage to take action for yourself and not wait or rely on someone else to give you the answer.