
Hair Colour Service

Everything we do @Chaulk is related to hair science. Each learning program we create, each technique we share, every formula you see and all our research. It’s all about the science…

But why is it so important?

It’s not just important for us when writing new courses or formulating new techniques but it’s vitally important for all stylists and colourists to be up to date with science know-how.

This will lead to your clients having more confidence in you and your colour choice because with the know you will be able to advise, decipher problems and find solutions, all while giving your client a basic understanding of their hair and what you need to do to create the best results for them.

Not all hair is the same…

Can we start by getting you to understand that everyone is different, even siblings or twins that share the same DNA (but not all)? This is the vital part of science that needs to be understood, that no one has the same hair structure, colour or make-up because everyone’s DNA is unique.

Did you know that this information is held in the Cortex? The actual part of the hair that we do the most work in as colourists.

So don’t you think it’s time to investigate more on the material you work on, every day in the salon?

This is where we come in, what we don’t know, we find out, it’s in our nature, we are science geeks. We love to find all there is to know about this beautiful material, to share the information to you so you can create the most beautiful results every time.

And there is so much to learn, there is more discovered each day. So why not pick our brains, you may find out that what we say helps you to understand.

Check out our latest Science course on our courses page, or contact us to get a more made-to-measure course specifically for you and your team.

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