Insurance and Big Brands

There’s been loads of chit-chat recently surrounding patch testing and insurance and also the opening of Amazon salon (in the high street in Shoreditch of all places, who would have thought it?)

Firstly let’s talk about patch testing.

Since our last blog on this subject, things have changed, so let’s try and clarify what’s been going on. There has been an increase in claims to insurance with regards to hair colour within the past year and so insurance companies have assessed their protocol, when it comes to acute allergic reactions.

At the same time Colour Start have been confirmed by the government as a recommended patch testing service, which will soon be available to buy locally for all persons. Colour Start have updated their test from a cosmetic to a medicine, (so no longer a temporary tattoo)

By making it the responsibility of the client rather than the salon, they have done this by creating a online portal that the client has to connect to and then Colour Start will guide them through this medical patch testing procedure and notify their salon if they are safe or not. You as the salon has to register on the portal and either purchase the tests to sell to your clients (Stock price £8:95-RRP £15:00) or get your clients to buy them from Colour Start. The client then goes home and follows the guidance on the portal, once registering themselves and linking with your salon. Once all this is done (which can take up to 5-7 days) your client will be notified with a red cross or green tick, which they can take into your salon as proof. Insurance companies are asking salons to now show proof of patch testing and porosity, sensitivity and stretch testing, especially the latter when it comes to using bleach on the hair. We would recommend that salons while doing a consultation for a patch test, now also do all other tests and get the client to sign once explained and dated. This can be kept as a record if there may be ever be a point of any question of insurance difficulties.

We all know a patch test isn’t needed when using bleach and for use of most high-lift colours, however insurance companies are making it harder to be covered if these procedures aren’t adhered to. Our colour brands seem to be in align with the insurance companies, so as always they haven’t got you or your clients back, in our opinion, still looking after number one. Controversial we know but sometimes these things have to be said. Please keep updated with what your brands recommended procedure is when it comes to patch testing, then at least you know you’re covered.

So lets chat about another big brand trying to muscle into our industry. No judgement here, an online service (Amazon) is now making waves in our industry by opening a salon in the heart of east London. What a fantastic opportunity to make some sales when it comes to products (let’s be honest when has this been a great strength for most of us), hard sell… hmmm maybe not.

We have worked with some people in past salons who are great at closing the sale but speaking from the point of a manager, that’s one thing I had to encourage members of staff constantly. The most amazing feature, for us, in this new Amazon salon are the mirrors. They actually give a client a view on what their chosen haircut and colour could look like, how high-tech that is WOW!!

The big product brand behind this venture? You may all ask..


Makes us wonder if they are cutting out the middle man when it comes to making product sales… What do you think?


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