Wow, when did we have so much choice of which foil to use?

Let me take you back a few years (well a lot of years actually) when I was an assistant. We never had a moment to spare and that’s because every moment you had to spare was filled with ripping foil from a gigantic roll (yes like a toilet roll) and no we didn’t have any of those fancy electric machines that you plug in, or even a manual roll cutter, it was all done with a steady hand and a sharp work surface. I actually used to find it quite therapeutic, and ow so rewarding especially when you could see the big fresh pile of foils.

Ok now fast forward 20 years and it’s all about the fancy box and the beautiful embossed foils that are within it, and let’s not forget the fancy colours or the fancy patterns, from flamingos to flowers to tiger prints, it goes on. All of this in a handy size box, already folded for you, fab for transportation and great for easy on the eye wow factor.

At Chaulk, we love HIGHLIGHTS so we are always open to anything that will spice it up a little. All of the embossed foils on the market are pretty similar when it comes to what they do, the embossed side helps the product and hair stick to the foil which will aid a neater packet, all are pretty similar in width, and some do wider balayage type foils (I find these tricky to mould to the head shape unless you’re lucky enough to have an assistant to hold them in for you. Some are more malleable (had to use that word, it’s Sarah’s favourite) i.e., fold with ease, particularly we love Foiluxe, check them out with their more luxurious patterns for the higher end clientele. We also love Foils and Stuff, smaller company also, we love supporting the newbies on the block. And off course we have to mention the Grandaddy of foil ProCare, these are the classics that have been around for years, we love them and they are certainly the best when it comes to knowing what you get and for being cost-efficient.


ProCare Foil are soon to be launching a boxed-up foil coming very soon. Thumbs up from us for having a choice, in a forever-growing industry where we are starting to get the choice we deserve and have wanted for years.

Bring on the ProCare!!

Big Love Sarah

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